Here is a photo of the bed as it looks right now. I started with the sheets, 600 thread count, soft as can be, the ultimate comfort for our guests...a bargain price of $30 for the flat sheet, fitted sheet, and two pillow cases. The color was a wonderful bronze brown. The sheet set was purchased from TJ Maxx.
The next flat sheet is a leopard print. This is a Ralph Lauren brand and was purchased from Ebay as new/sealed. I purchased it for around $20, a steal compared to the original price. I looked at other leopard print brands, but I was unhappy with the styling of the print itself and decided this "splurge" would be well worth it for the overall effect of the bedding.
The brown quilt coverlet with matching shams and dust ruffle was as set from JC Penney. Unlike the inspiration photo where the quilting was boxed, this one had a more french fleuris look to it. It was priced at $50 but I spent much less after coupons and credits. I was worried about the coloring of the brown as it had an undertone of red but now that it is in place it compliments the tones of the curtains very well.
The two maroon velvet pillows were found by my s/o at Burlington Coat Factory. I loved the richness of the color and the added texture which reminds me of a burlesque dancers skirt. At only $9.99 each, they were too good to pass up.
The round gold pillow was from Walmart. At less than ten dollars each I purchased two of them as seat cushions for my vintage iron chairs. They were re-purposed to the french room with the 2nd pillow taking its place on a chair.
All of these items took over a year to find, put together and purchase.
The rose material at the bottom of the bed has taken the longest of all. This material is linen and will be made into a duvet cover to protect the down blanket which will lay at the foot of the bed. I had looked at bolts of material and finished duvet covers but couldn't quite find the "right one". I knew I wanted an old world design, and it had to bring in the maroon of the curtains, I was hoping for roses as they represent the essence of upon finding this bolt of material at Jo Ann Fabrics only a week ago,, I was overjoyed at how it looked once I brought it home. The material was marked down in clearance to $18 a yard....and thanks to my friend I had a 15% coupon on top of that. I only purchased three yards of the material, enough to make the main part of the duvet. I still have to find additional linen for the sides and back as well as some trim. I did this to help keep the overall costs down as most of the time the duvet will be folded and the front is all you will see. Unbeknown to me, our friends pointed out while I was in the check out line that the material brand was , Ralph Lauren! It seems I really am attracted to his "look".
And, with cold Michigan winters... we also have a heated mattress pad cover ( a christmas gift one year ) for the ultimate in pampering. In the future I would also like to get a feather mattress for that "sleeping on a cloud" feeling.
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